Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Konyuk took part in the 5th World Internet Conference in Wuzhen (China)

The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Konyuk took part in the 5th World Internet Conference, which was held on 7-9 November 2018 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, SouthEastern China. The Conference was focused on the theme “Creating a Digital World of Mutual Trust and Collective Governance — Towards a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace”. 

The Forum was divided into five breakout sections: Innovation-driven Development (Artificial Intelligence, The 5G Era, The Internet of Things), Cyber Security (Protection of Privacy of Data, International Cooperation against Cyber-terrorism), Openness and Inclusiveness (Digital Economy in the New Era, International Governance of Cyberspace, Internet Technology Innovation), In Pursuit of a Better Life (Charity and Poverty Alleviation Through the Internet, E-government), Common Prosperity (Bridging the Digital Divide, Cooperation along the Digital Silk Road,  Think Tanks on the Internet). 

Over 1,500 important guests from governments, international organizations, business community, tech firms and civil societies were attended this event. Among them are the Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, his deputies, main procurators of several Chinese provinces, prosecutors general of other states, Mr. István Sebestyén, Secretary General of European Association for Standardizing Information and Communication Systems, Ms. Shanelle Hall,  Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund, Ms. Wang Xiaoyun, Academician of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Professor of Tsinghua University. 

5-я Всемирная конференция по вопросам Интернета в Китае_2.jpg

In the framework of cyber security section Aleksandr Konyuk noted in his statement that “the personal data in conditions of digital telecommunication technologies, telemedicine, use of cloudy services become only one element of digital technological string.  Personal data collection, process and transfer to third persons-operators are frequently taken place without human knowledge and contribution. That implacably narrows the privacy and causes the most profound concern”. 

The main role in law regulation of personal data protection as for opinion of Prosecutor General of Belarus, bears to specialized acts based on the implementation of human rights on digital self-determination. 

Just the citizen should have the opportunity to definite the destination and the extent of provided personal data, permission or inhibit of its transfer to third persons, to know where and in what size they are stored and to demand its delete. 

This concept is the basis of the draft of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On personal data” which is about to be accepted in the first half year of 2019, ‑ Aleksandr Konyuk admitted. 

Head of supervisory body also expressed an opinion of the impossibility of “state digital sovereignty” in the Global Digitization Era, supported law regulation progress in personal data protection sphere on transnational level. 

During this visit a meeting between the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Konyuk and the Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China Mr. Zhang Jun was conducted. Colleagues discussed aspects of bilateral development in sphere of criminal law. 


Participation in this event allowed members of Belarus delegation to exchange supervisory experience, contributed the process of international cooperation of prosecutor offices of both countries, strengthening of professional relations with foreign colleagues.

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